Sensor List

               ▼ Sensor Name ▼ Class ▼ Type ▼ Model ▼ S/N ▼ Sensor ID ▼ Vessel Location ▼ Use Level ▼ Enabled ▼ Port(s) ▼ Logging ▼ Status ▼ Last Cal ▼ Send To Shore ▼ Current Location ▼ Vessel
1 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Flowmeter Flowthrough Flowmeter unknown N/A flowmt000001 primary True 30309 None file/db in use True installed sav
2 Details   Plots   Data   Export   CDOM Fluorometer Flowthrough Fluorometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT) fluorometer 7845 fluoro007845 primary True 30314 None file/db in use True installed sav
3 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Chlorophyll Fluorometer Flowthrough Fluorometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT) fluorometer 8204 fluoro008204 primary True 30313 None file/db in use True installed sav
4 Details     Data   Export   Mini TDGP Flowthrough Gas Analyzer Pro-Oceanus Mini TDGP submersible dissolved gas sensor 14-872-31 disgas487231 primary False 30322 None file/db in use True installed sav
5 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Position - Furuno GP90 Navigation GNSS Furuno Navigator GP90 and GP90D Global Positioning System receivers 4400-0417 gnsspo000417 Main Mast primary True 30310 None file/db in use True installed sav
6 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Position - Hemisphere Differential Navigation GNSS Hemisphere GNSS R131 differential global positioning system receiver 882983 gnsspo882983 secondary True 30312 None file/db in use True installed sav
7 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Gyrocompass Navigation Gyrocompass unlisted 003857 gyro003857 primary True 30311 None file/db in use True installed sav
8 Details   Plots   Data   Export   MET Station Atmospheric Met Station unknown xxxxxx met000000 primary True 30331 None file/db in use True installed sav
9 Details   Plots   Data   Export   SUNA V2 Flowthrough Nitrate Satlantic {Sea-Bird} Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser V2 (SUNA V2) nutrient analyser series NTR-1790 nitrat001790 primary True 30326 None file/db in use True installed sav
10 Details   Plots   Data   Export   3 Way Valve Flowthrough Other unknown M2310267 valve310267 primary True 30302 None file/db in use True installed sav
11 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Oxygen Flowthrough Oxygen Sensor Aanderaa 4330F oxygen optode 6302 oxygen006302 primary True 30323 None file/db in use True installed sav
12 Details     Data   Export   PAR Atmospheric PAR Meter Biospherical Instruments QCR-2150 surface PAR sensor 50362 parqcr050362 primary False 30324 None unavailable True sav
13 Details     Data   Export   LISST Flowthrough Particle Size Analyzer Sequoia LISST-200X particle size analyser 2223 partic002223 primary False 30320 None file/db in use True installed sav
14 Details     Data   Export   CO2 Flowthrough pCO2 unknown AC0017 pcotwo000017 primary False 30315 None unavailable True sav
15 Details     Data   Export   pH Flowthrough pH unknown AP0038 ph000038 primary False 30325 None file/db in use True installed sav
16 Details   Plots   Data   Export   ECO-Triplet BB3 Flowthrough Scatterometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor 7905 ecobbb007905 spare True 30317 None file/db not in use True installed sav
17 Details   Plots   Data   Export   ECO-Triplet BB3 Flowthrough Scatterometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor 7941 ecobbb007941 spare True 30318 None file/db not in use True installed sav
18 Details   Plots   Data   Export   ECO-Triplet BB3 Flowthrough Scatterometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor 7882 ecobbb007882 primary True 30316 None file/db in use True installed sav
19 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Single Beam Depthsounder Sonar Singlebeam Sonar unlisted 100169100458 echo100458 primary True 30329 None file/db in use True installed sav
20 Details     Data   Export   ACS Flowthrough Spectrophotometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-s in-situ spectrophotometer 411 spectr000411 primary False 30321 None file/db in use True installed sav
21 Details   Plots   Data   Export   C-Star Flowthrough Transmissometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star CST-25-DR transmissometer 2405 transm002405 primary True 30319 None file/db in use True installed sav
22 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Thermosalinograph Flowthrough TSG Sea-Bird SBE 45 MicroTSG thermosalinograph 672 tsg000672 primary True 30328 None file/db in use True installed sav
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RCRV Datapresence and Engineering Support Center
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331, USA